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Changing the CLI Newsletter Publisher 
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Two concerns have been raised regarding the current CLI Newsletter Publisher, Ikare, at prior board meetings.
1) Ikare has not distributed the Islander to the residents at Capri Isle over a 4 month period when requested to do so by staff and residents.
2) Distribution of only 1 time per month results in very outdated information.

What are the board member's opinions regarding changing the Publisher?

Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:08 am
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I agree that maybe a new carrier needs to be looked in to due to the lack of response from our requests. Secondly, I don't think that we have enough information to need to process more than 1 a month. I think we should encourage residents to utilize the new updated Cory Lake website that we have launched to obtain the most updated community information.

Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:08 am
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