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Role of Committees 
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A CDD subcommittee structure has existed at CLI for several years. The members of those committees have asked the board to comment on the role of the committees.

What are the board member's opinions on what the role of the committees should be?

Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:21 am
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Personally, I love that there are committees within our community of real residents who feel passionate about our community working together to make this the best community that it can be! The problems that I've seen occurring recently between the committees and the board members is the lack of communication between the two. I would like to see the Board step up and take initiative to assist with this link by having 1 board member on every subcommittee. I believe this would provide the missing link as the Board members would be able to report back at the monthly board meetings.

Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:06 am
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I will restart the Finance Committee and be the board liason for that committee.

I think the challenge with the LAF committee is that no board members are available at their regularly scheduled time.

One basic concept about the committee's that I adhere to is the following: as a committee member, when the finance committee makes a recommendation to the board, I feel strongly that the board should consider the recommendation and once that is done I will support whatever the board, an elected group of representatives, decides to do, whether it is in favor or opposed to the finance committee's recommendation.

What are the other board member's opinions about this concept?

Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:48 am
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Bob has agreed to attend the LAF committee meetings and once school is out, I will also attend those meetings. You are correct Cyril, that the prior LAF meeting time didn't work for Board Members, but it sounds like they have that one covered now. Your concept sounds good. Just to clarify my point with a Board members attending the meetings, doesn't mean that they agree with the committee in one way or another, it's just that they would be the communication liaison between the committee and the board. Really, so that when questions arise, we don't have to wait an additional 30 days before decisions can be made.

Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:19 pm
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