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Resident Topic Suggestions 
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This topic is available for residents to suggest new topics of discussion.

Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:08 am
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After our last CDD meeting, I made contact with the city regarding the newly installed red light and the timing of the light. I was very impressed to find that he was thankful for my call and saw the city out the next morning correcting the timing issue. At this point, I feel that the light is operating efficiently. If anyone has another issues with the light, please let me know and I can contact again.

Secondly, the lap lanes were scheduled to be put out daily starting June 1st from pool opening until between 1030 and 11am. At this point, I have still not seen the lap lines in the pool. Can this please be looked into? And noticed to residents that it's been implemented?

Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:59 am
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The Traffic Light and Pool Lane items above have been posted as independent Topics. Please respond to those items in their respective Topics.

Wed Jun 03, 2015 12:09 pm
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