Cory Lakes CDD

POA Storage Facility - should it be transferred to CDD?
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Author:  Cyril Spiro [ Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  POA Storage Facility - should it be transferred to CDD?

As you are aware, the Storage Facility maintained by the POA was broken into from Branchton Road and several items were stolen from the facility. Because this happened the POA and several residents have asked that the CDD open access to the facility via Cory Lake Drive. The impetus for this request is that if access is only available from within the CDD then the security would prevent theft.

There are many questions to be answered in regards to adding the Storage Facility to the CDD. For one thing, I believe the property is owned by the former CLI developer, Gene Thomasson (sp?) and that the POA rents the land from him. Secondly, I have been told that the facility has no security cameras and that the POA did not have insurance for the storage facility business. The prior facts need to be further verified. Another consideration is that if the facility were opened to Cory Lake Drive, then the gate to Branchton Road would still be a vulnerability to theft within the facility.

Other issues to consider would be what kind of revenue the CDD would make from the facility and what would be the costs. Further, is this a service that would be welcomed by residents or would they be indifferent. Lastly, I have been told that vendors to the CLI and others also use this storage facility. If the CDD did take on the storage facility business would it be exclusively for CLI. In either case, the question remains to the liability to the community for having this kind of business.

CDD Supervisors, please share your opinions on this matter so that we can contemplate each other's perspectives and perhaps make our discussion during the upcoming board meeting more efficient.


Author:  joycehep [ Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: POA Storage Facility - should it be transferred to CDD?

I think there are many many questions that would have to be answered before i could give an adequate opinion. With the limited info shared here and all of the pending questions posed in this discussion my answer at this point would be...I don't think a second access on cl drive would be beneficial and it appears to be too much of a liability for my comfort level at this point.

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