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Walk Friendly Community 
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AJ asked that we discuss the fact that Temple Terrace was nominated as a Walk Friendly Neighborhood a couple of years ago and suggested several ways that CLI could do the same.

I'd like to see the articles, information, etc. that explains why TT received this designation before considering it further.

What do other's think?

Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:00 pm
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> AJ asked that we discuss the fact that Temple Terrace was nominated as a
> Walk Friendly Neighborhood a couple of years ago and suggested several ways
> that CLI could do the same.
> I'd like to see the articles, information, etc. that explains why TT
> received this designation before considering it further.
> What do other's think?

Sure what was the criteria used to designate TT that nomination? I'm sure bunch of people will like that.

Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:10 pm
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Our kids go to school in Temple Terrace and have participated in some of the walk to school events. Based on what I found on the site I don't think this is something that our community would qualify for since we don't have a school, public transportation, or places of employment within the community. It seems like its meant for cities or towns... but I might be wrong. I'm attaching the link for the PDF that explains what a Walk Friendly Community is as well as how to apply ... pt2012.pdf

Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:01 pm
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