Hi Supervisors,
I just sent the following email to Mylita Butler in response to her from March 23rd. Below my email response are two suggestions that I am recommending to the board:
"Dear Mylita,
As you know, I always encourage resident participation and communication in district matters. So, I am thankful that you reached out to us. It gives the CDD an opportunity to respond and react.
I can not speak for the other board members. Nor, can I speak to the other board members, so I have removed them from this email.
It was disappointing to learn that Carrie is leaving. She has been a great asset to the community. However, you know as an expert in Human Resources, that people leave jobs for many reasons and sometimes it can not be prevented. You said in your email that we devalued Carrie and it's disgusting. You also said that no one seems to think that it's an internal problem. Oddly enough, I am a someone and you never spoke to me about it so I don't believe it is logical to draw the conclusion that no one seems to think it's an internal problem. In fact, when I conducted my exit interview with Carrie, she shared with me some reasons that were in small part due to how the CDD managed her position. And, I take full responsibility for those reasons. However, she told me that the main reason was that she could not progress in her position at Cory Lake Isles and as a young woman in the middle of her career she wanted the opportunity for more upward mobility. I can't blame her and I support her in achieving her goals.
As far as our devaluing of Frank, you offered no examples of this. However, in your past public comments you blamed the CDD board for micro-managing Frank, which is a form of devaluation. Here are Frank's words at his final board meeting when discussing his resignation. He said to the board:
"The idea that the board micro-managed me? You made it a point not to. I appreciate that. I felt that some of the committees might have been a little bit."
In fact, Frank told me 2 months before he resigned that he wanted to resign. I asked him why and he told me that the committees, particularly LAF, where making large demands on his time and treated him like he reported to them and not the board. He asked me why he had to present all of his activities two times, once to LAF and once to the board. That is when I told him he didn't have to. And, then he asked me if it would be OK if he didn't attend LAF. And, I told him that it would be OK. Furthermore, that prompted the clarification in policy regarding committees so that they understood that the district employees reported to the District Manager and not the committees.
I hope that all this information shows you that accusations and criticism without a complete understanding of the facts is destructive rather than constructive.
When Frank had made up his mind to resign it was the day after we received an email from a resident which was deeply critical of Frank. That resident's facts were incorrect and Frank was hurt. He told me had had enough and the allure of moving further South made staying here unattractive.
Which get's me to my last point regarding destructive emails and in this case our new Facilities Manager, John. I would classify your email below in the same category as the email Frank received which made him want to resign. In your email, you swiftly criticize us for hiring John, without consulting Carrie because she is a woman. You accuse John of being directionless and not doing his job by hanging out at the beach club and making residents uncomfortable. I can not think of a more insulting email. I am shocked that a person of your expertise in Human Resources would even consider sending such an email.
The fact of the matter is that John has accomplished a huge amount of tasks since he's been here. To see this all you have to do is look through the last several months of board packages and look at the list that he provides. He has a great work ethic and I have found it is easy to communicate with him. He is fully committed to the betterment of this community. Furthermore, on several occasions it has become obvious to me and the board that he knew more about the mechanical workings of our community's infrastructure than vendors working on the devices. Everyone can see that he personally gets jobs done such as painting the gym. And, unlike the professionals that we got to do it the last time, he didn't break the mirror. He has saved this community thousands of dollars and we should all be thankful to him for it. One last point that I will make is that if he has been able to accomplish all that he has done for us and still has time to be at his base site, the beach club, then that only proves that his is efficient at his job.
In closing, I always encourage you to communicate with your board. I fondly recall the time that you reported a speeder on your street and showed me a video, after which I spent two hours visiting the speeder's home and opening their eyes to the fact that they needed to change their ways. A few months later you told me that they had stopped speeding. It's that kind of activism that works. But, the derogatory and hurtful email that you sent below is not constructive for our community. Please, stick to the facts, support your claims and take the time to demonstrate leadership in shaping our community.
Best, Cyril "
At this time, I would like to make two suggestions:
1. John has done a superb job as a Facilities Manager so far and his pay is still slightly below the average FM position in neighborhoods around us. I would like to recommend that the board gives him a $2,500 raise so that he is on Par with other FMs around New Tampa. That would put him at $47,500.
2. I think that we have done well in delineating the roles of committees since Frank has left the community but there is more to be done. I would like to propose that committees send their reports to the District Manager. In turn the DM can determine which items will be taken care of as operational matters without the need for board involvement, which items should be presented to the board for review and which items should be sent back to the committees for clarification or with a final response. If committee members want to bring matters directly to the board, they have two options. One is to present them to the board during public comments as residents or, two, would be to request to be on the agenda in advance of the board meeting for a specific subject matter and time allocation request. If they choose to use public comments, any resident committee member present can give their 3 minutes to the chair to extend his/her time commenting.
Supervisors, please let me know your opinions on these to items.
Thanks, Cyril