Cory Lakes CDD

Aggressive Drivers
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Author:  Cyril Spiro [ Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Aggressive Drivers

Joyce commented in the Miscellaneous section about the need to do something about aggressive drivers.

We all know they are out there and have witnessed it.

The state law for speed limits is based on the fact that 85% of drivers will self-regulate their speed and the other 15% wont. Our speed board shows that only 1% of the residents are very aggressive.

So the question is how do we stop the 1-15% of aggressive drivers.

We know that paying off duty cops doesn't work because it was done for years without benefit.

The Wall of Shame idea was not considered a serious one.

Speed Humps has been passed on several times.

What other ways can we curve aggressive driving?

Author:  Gcas0499 [ Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Drivers

Cyril this is a million dollar question i don't want to even take a stab at. If this is such a serious issue that is impacting the Cory Lake Dr circle the option which i believe will be most effective will be Speed Humps, we should give a little time until we put up the rest of the speed boards in order.

Author:  Robert Woodards [ Fri Apr 15, 2016 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aggressive Drivers

Well, we got to do something because residents are still complaining, but what we can do at this point is not an easy solution. However, we too are tax payers and should be entitle to the same public services as others. we should be able to get the Tampa Police to visit this community often enough to assist in deterring speeders. We should not be paying for a service that we are entitle to as Tax payers. Second, speed pumps may be our most effective solution providing we can legally do it and fund it.

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