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Vehicle Speed Abatement 
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I support the idea of putting in more speed signs. In the past, I believe Tanya has had to get approval from the City to do this. I think what needs to be done is for us to provide a map of the community with the locations where we would put the speed signs. Joyce, since you have an idea of what you are looking for, can you get a map from John and identify where you would want the speed signs and then we can review that before handing it off to Tanya? You could also delegate this task to the security committee if you want to and they want to.

As far as speed humps, it sounds like there is an openness to placing a 25 mph speed hump in front of the club house that matches the bricks/décor of our street. So, I will contact staff to ask for that to be spec'd out and a proposal(s) obtained. It's not a full blown solution, but it's a step that must be completed before looking at additional speed humps and will give us the information that we need for the 2017 budget.

In regards to additional speed boards, we have two more coming. Joyce, you mentioned more speed boards, more speed humps and more speed limit signs. Perhaps, you can add speed boards and speed humps to your community diagram with additional speed limit signs so that the full suggested solution can be assessed?

As far as lowering the speed limit, what do the other supervisors think?

Wed May 11, 2016 11:44 am
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My statements were actually only in favor of additional speed limit signs throughout the neighborhood even incorporated with children at play signs. I am not in favor of speed humps or bumps at this time. I truly believe that residents aren't fully aware of what our speed limit is as it isn't posted consistently throughout the neighborhood. I also think that lowering the speed limit when we put up additional signs might be another good idea. I don't mind getting with John and identifying new areas for posted signs. This may be something that the Security Committee may also like to take a look at as well.

Thu May 12, 2016 10:26 am
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Thanks for the clarification, Joyce.

So that I'm on the same page. Are you ok with the idea of a single speed hump in front of the club house?

Thu May 12, 2016 1:07 pm
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Last night I was driving home at 10:30pm and a car passed me at about 50 mph. I followed him to his house and he claimed it was the only time he's ever done it :lol: Then he went on to say that he has told other residents to stop their crazy driving ;) He apologized and said he would never do it again. I might be young but I wasn't born yesterday.

I've put some thought to the suggestion of lowering the speed limit and have concluded that it will not help our situation. The people that we are trying to slow down don't care about the speed limit - whether it's 20 or 25 doesn't matter. I think that they will justify it in their minds by saying that it's so low it's not worth abiding to it. In addition, everyone else will need to drive even slower and will be disgruntled about it even though they are not causing the problem to begin with.

The speeders are either selfish or clueless. Reducing the speed limit won't impact those types of people. More speed limit signs will help the clueless, but not the selfish. At least it's a start.

Speed humps will stop the selfish, because they won't want to hurt their cars. But, they have to allow cars to travel 25mph over them so they don't punish the wrong people.


Fri May 13, 2016 11:43 am
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Sad to say I agree that people who speed aggressively are selfish, and believe that the laws do not apply to them. Decreasing the community speed limit won't change their ways. Anyone going 50 in a 25 zone won't care that the limit is lowered to 20mph
While I applaud you for your bravery in confronting someone in his own driveway :shock: I think you may be onto something - publicly calling people out when they are breaking the law. We know by way of the data collected when the most aggressive speeding occurs. And we know where. Perhaps a more public campaign to call people out when they speed. And while we noodle on that, perhaps a series in the newsletter, along with that survey. Get this front and center, get the community rallying around voting for something to change, whether it's speed humps, more signs, lowering the speed limit, etc.
> Last night I was driving home at 10:30pm and a car passed me at about 50
> mph. I followed him to his house and he claimed it was the only time he's
> ever done it :lol: Then he went on to say that he has told other residents
> to stop their crazy driving ;) He apologized and said he would never do
> it again. I might be young but I wasn't born yesterday.
> I've put some thought to the suggestion of lowering the speed limit and
> have concluded that it will not help our situation. The people that we are
> trying to slow down don't care about the speed limit - whether it's 20 or
> 25 doesn't matter. I think that they will justify it in their minds by
> saying that it's so low it's not worth abiding to it. In addition,
> everyone else will need to drive even slower and will be disgruntled about
> it even though they are not causing the problem to begin with.
> The speeders are either selfish or clueless. Reducing the speed limit
> won't impact those types of people. More speed limit signs will help the
> clueless, but not the selfish. At least it's a start.
> Speed humps will stop the selfish, because they won't want to hurt their
> cars. But, they have to allow cars to travel 25mph over them so they don't
> punish the wrong people.
> Thoughts?

Sheryl Springer
Capri Isles

Fri May 13, 2016 12:16 pm
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