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Speed Cameras 
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At our last meeting, Board directed staff to research our ability to have speed cameras at our speed boards so that we can identify the 1-3% of the drivers who speed excessively. We also talked about what we would do with that information once we had it. Several suggestions were made and we said we could discuss it on the sunshine board. I am happy to do so, however, I think that we might be wasting our time if we do it before knowing if it is even feasible to implement that technology.

What do the other Supervisors think?

Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:04 pm
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I agree that discussion should follow receipt of security camera information.

Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:30 am
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Let's find out if its even feasible to capture the speeders information.

If its reasonably feasible or affordable to capture the speeders tag # and we a identify the driver than I would imagine someone designated would have to go and speak to the offenders without ant powers of issuing ticket. Tough challenge!!!

Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:15 pm
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I'd be in favor of the cameras if its feasible and if its a repeated offender doing excessive over the speed limit we can hand that information to the police who have offered to personally go to residents home and give warnings

Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:20 pm
Ok so I have looked into these and at some other competing and didn't see one that offers a plate capture camera.
We can see about the cost to have Envera put a camera or rather cameras in place to try and capture a speeder but this would still be a time consuming project because the radar doesn't log the infraction in real time.
Rather it logs in 30 minute blocks. So someone would have to look back on the video during the 30 minute window a infraction occurred to try and see which vehicle was speeding.

Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:44 am
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Here's what Chuck emailed me on the subject regarding Envera doing it:
Working on the technical side of it...appears to be do able however only at fixed location with 110 v power (we will not be able to move around community)

I don't have much a of a problem keeping outlets in various places that we could put speed boards. As far as Envera reviewing the footage, that is doable because they have already offered to do that for the gym.

I would like to get a solid proposal from Envera and whatever electrical needs there are for this. It seems that there is consensus to get feasibility information, so unless someone objects, I can direct staff to ask for proposals for our next board meeting.

Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:41 pm
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Im in favor of getting proposals as you suggested Cyril

Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:25 am
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