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Resident Palm Trees in cul-de-sac 
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This subject pertains to the maintenance of the trees in the cul-de-sacs of each drive.
As you may know already, those trees are inside of the residents property lines due to the design of the sidewalk.
I have had residents from those areas starting to call and ask if we are going to maintain their trees as well.
From what I have been told, there was some inoculations done to the trees a few years back and those trees were excluded because of their location but the resident was still charged the resident assessment for the process.
They want to have an idea how this benefits them if we don't offer the maintenance.
I already discussed this with Chuck and he is checking to see what can be done and have a response ready for the board meeting.
This is just to give the board a chance to think on the subject and maybe give some insight on how this was handled previously.

Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:45 am
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John, I am side stepping this issue to address a similar concern that was brought up at the last CDD meeting. The palms are prone to disease, which is transferable through contaminated pruning instruments. How will LMP reassure residents that their tools will be cleaned after each home service :?:

Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:43 pm
At some point you have to trust the company that says they are going to clean their tools after every tree, will do just that. If you do your trees, then you know the steps you took.
Unless you watch your lawn service clean the equipment before they start your yard then you can only take them at their word that they cleaned it before they started. If you don't trust them then you need to switch services.
If at any point we feel that LMP isn't holding up it's word that they will clean after each tree then they would be at risk to lose more than just the tree contract.

Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:58 pm
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