Cory Lakes CDD

Fencing for hockey rink
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Author:  jdhall1971 [ Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Fencing for hockey rink

This topic is for the subject of safety fencing over the existing fence at the hockey rinks. This would be to provide added protection from balls and pucks leaving the rink.

Two companies submitted bids..

Welch tennis wants to put netting around the top and Jennex wants to put metal fencing similar to a batting cage.

The Jennex proposal is cheaper and should last longer than the netting.

Welch tennis CoryLakeIslesNettingRH copy.pdf [1.25 MiB]
Downloaded 1905 times
Jennex Fence hockey rink proposal.jpg
Jennex Fence hockey rink proposal.jpg [ 1.57 MiB | Viewed 13303 times ]

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