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Parking spaces by pocket parks 
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This topic is for discussion on the spaces provided for parking over by the pocket parks.

We have been having people parking overnight and most of the day in these spaces and obviously not using the park.

This is not courteous to those who actually want to use the space as intended and go to the park.

Do we want to make policy that this space be for playground parking only? We could place a sign stating "Playground parking only, no overnight parking, violators subject to towing."

This would deter the residents using it as overflow parking.

We may also want to place playgrounds hours of operation and rules signs back at all the playgrounds so there is posted times when people could be removed from the area.

Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:39 am
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Pocket Parking

Let's try posting the sign first, I think it should solve the problem.

Playground Hours

Simple signs like Open at Sunrise Closes Sunset will do

Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:31 pm
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Parking Signs i believe will help the situation

Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:48 pm
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