Cory Lakes CDD

Tennis instructors
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Author:  jdhall1971 [ Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Tennis instructors

This topic of discussion has to do with the newer tennis coaches not ceding court time to other residents.

Lately I have not only received calls from residents but have witnessed the increase in coaching on the courts.
The complaint is, with the exception of Coach B. who has been a fixture here for some time, the coaches aren't ceding court time to other residents until their 30 minute or hour session is up.

With only having 4 courts, having 3 or 4 coaches using the courts for hours at a time isn't fair to the res of the community.

What if any policies do we want to put in place regarding outside coaching and court time?

The residents have said that there doesn't seem to be an issue with residents rotating out playing time, just the coaches.

Author:  Sudhirkshah [ Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tennis instructors

Thank you John for opening up this issue for discussion.

We are here for all our residents. Lets set up policies in writing.

I am proposing an ad hoc Committee consisting of 5 members to be led by one CDD supervisor, two Adult Players, and parents of two minors.
Will set up policies and will submit their recommendation to the CDD Board during March meeting.

What to other Supervisors think?

Author:  Robert Woodards [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tennis instructors

John is correct, we need a policy for the coaches using CDD facilities and setting his/her own rules. First and far most, I feel that using CDD facilities to make money, the coaches should have to pay a fee.

Author:  Gcas0499 [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tennis instructors

We should have further discussion around this, I"m assuming most the people being coached are residents so we need to keep that in mind. Written policy will be key for the success and to be fair to everyone.

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