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Wendy sent out an email asking for additional contributions to the Islander. I wanted to see what your thoughts were on adding some additional information from the CDD. We already summarize the minutes but it would be nice to have a column along the lines of "You asked for it and we approved it!" At the last meeting we approved a playground (with budget limits) for Capri and the Islander would be a great place to let folks know. I think residents would like to see all the wonderful things that the CDD does for the community, in a friendly, easy to read format. Thoughts?

Maybe we could also put a "Spotlight on the Volunteers" each month and write a bio about the volunteers who give their time to the various committees and explain what the committees do.

Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:23 pm
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An awesome idea to not only recognize and put the spotlight on our existing dedicated volunteers but, also to enable others to give back to our community. :D

Over the last 365 days the Security Committee through the CDD has put forth some creative recommendations to enhance communication and safety within our community. We hope the majority of our neighbors are pleased with our efforts.

Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:43 pm
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I think these are great ideas! Here is what I can do to help facilitate:

1. Ask the Editor/Graphic Designer to put a text box to highlight the 'You asked for it, we approved' motions within the Approved Motions sections.
2. For the volunteer spotlight, we can create a Q & A form for the volunteer to complete or the committee member ask the questions & complete the form and then send back to the office. I feel the committees better know the volunteers to gather the information. Once I get that information, I will include the information for the current edition as long as it's received by the submission deadline.

I also think it's a good idea about listing the committees and the important role they serve within the community. Although committee chairperson information is listed on the inside cover of each edition, it's not consistently listed as to which committee may need or want volunteers.

Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:06 pm
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Sheila i really like the idea and it will give the community a cliff notes version of the minutes or at least the important stuff people care about which is the action we are taking. Wendy thank your for the feedback to assist with this task.

Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:07 pm
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I like Sheila's idea of recognizing the volunteers who give up their valuable time for their neighbors.

Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:39 pm
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