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Added Hours For Security Rover.
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This topic is brought by the security committee.
We should really think about adding to the Rover hours to give a way to monitor the amenities after the staff leaves work. The staff generally leaves work between 5 and 6 and the amenities are still open until 7 to 10 depending on the location. The rover would be responsible for monitoring the activities in these areas until closing and helping deter any unwanted activity.
Board thoughts?
Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:38 pm |
Have we had any issues that would require the additional security during those hours?
Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:29 pm |
Once school is out for the summer, we will have pool attendants on staff everyday from around 11am until closing. On Thursdays & Fridays we usually have pool attendants until closing during off-season. Mondays & Wednesdays would really be the only days we may need someone to monitor as there is an office attendant Tuesdays & Thursdays until 9pm and can monitor the pool area via cameras.
Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:41 pm |
Thanks for the information Wendy, this will require further discussion at our next board meeting, however we'll all depend on John & Wendy to provide us data on any incidents that have occurred where a rover was warranted and not available due to their schedule
Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:53 pm |
John and Wendy,
Do we currently have working camera(s) inside the Club House and Gym?
Any monitoring involved?
Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:51 pm |
Again this is just looking at summer daylight hours being longer. More chances of mischief.
Last year we had sprinkler heads that were kicked off or removed, monument lights kicked off, well pumps damaged. All of these are an expense to the community.
Sid, We have cameras at the pool, clubhouse and gym. The cameras at the pool and clubhouse are only monitored after they are closed to residents. The gym is never monitored because it is open 24/7.
From the time the staff leaves until the doors lock, there is only the coverage of cameras recording space thus no physical deterrent.
The rest of the amenities and community have zero cameras, so absolutely no way to monitor.
The rover would just be an added presence to watch the amenities and community. Someone who can answer the calls of someone fishing or any of the other afternoon calls the guards get that they have to tell the residents that they can't leave their post to tend to.
It's just a suggestion.
Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:52 pm |
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