Cory Lakes CDD

Tag cameras for exit gates.
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Author:  jdhall1971 [ Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Tag cameras for exit gates.

This topic is for the board to discuss adding tag cameras to the exit gates.

The addition of these cameras will give us the ability to not only see who is coming in but who is going.

We have had issues where there has been damage to the gates and if a tag camera was in place we could have held the guilty party accountable. The cameras do not give us a clear enough picture of the tags at night.

We also had an issue with people drag racing while leaving the Cross Creek exit. A tag cam at this location would've made the finding of this person and subsequent notification of the proper authorities much easier and less time consuming.

I currently have a request in for pricing and will post a proposal as soon as it is received.

Author:  Gcas0499 [ Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tag cameras for exit gates.

thanks for taking on this task John lets see what the proposals come back with.

Author:  Sudhirkshah [ Tue Apr 11, 2017 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tag cameras for exit gates.


As Jorge mentioned lets look at the proposals?

Would this additional tag camera increase our monitoring cost with Envera and by how much?

Author:  jdhall1971 [ Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tag cameras for exit gates.

As soon as I get the cost from Envera I will post it. Still waiting. I could give a ballpark based on what we pay for each camera currently but would rather have the exact in writing.
I am trying to get a cost analysis on what it would have cost the CDD for replacement arms and repairs if i hadn't started doing these repairs myself to save money.
Just FYI.. Two gate arms hit this week alone.

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