Cory Lakes CDD

Food Trucks Scheduled for Summer
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Author:  AmandaSchewe2 [ Wed May 03, 2017 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Food Trucks Scheduled for Summer

We have secured several food trucks for the summer! Below is an itinerary of the ones scheduled so far along with some notes/themes. I've also listed a suggestion for both of the of the trucks scheduled with the Dive-in movies for approval.

Saturday, June 10th from 12pm - 3pm - THE TACO TRAVELER

Sunday, June 18th from 11am - 2pm - CRAVING DONUTS - we are using a Fathers Day theme, "Donuts with Dad" to promote this event

Saturday, June 24th from 5pm - 8pm - SARGE'S BBQ - we will promote this as a 'DINNER & A MOVIE' since there is a dive-in movie scheduled. HOWEVER, this will generate a very large turnout and I believe we will exceed the stated max capacity at the pool. My suggestion, if approved by the Board, would be to move the venue to the green space across the street and call it "Dinner and A Movie on the Lawn". Families could bring their own blanket, chairs, etc and have picnic dinner before the movie; or enjoy early dinner pool side, Beach Club or at home. If this is approved, I would also suggest to close the 1 side of tennis courts so lights don't interfere with movie viewing and so we can use the power source located on that court.

Saturday, July 15th from 12pm - 3pm - THE TACO TRAVELER

Saturday, July 22nd from 5pm - 9pm - MR. C'S GRILLED CHEESE - we will promote this as a 'DINNER & A MOVIE' as this is another dive-in movie. Again, this most likely will be a large turn out and would request approval to use the green space and tennis court power source.

Thank you for considering to move the 2 movies to the green space to accommodate the potentially large crowd. Please reply with comments, suggestions and approvals (or non-approvals).

Author:  ssebz9 [ Thu May 04, 2017 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Food Trucks Scheduled for Summer

I love it! This would be a great opportunity for both the community and the vendors. Thanks for scheduling it all!

Author:  Sudhirkshah [ Mon May 15, 2017 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Food Trucks Scheduled for Summer

Good job, Wendy!

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