During the school year I have noticed that kids regularly hide their bikes behind the monument on Capri. I am assuming kids ride their bikes to the bus stop and then leave their bikes there until they return from school. Can we add something so that kids can store/lock up their bikes and not have to hide their bikes each morning?
Duh, I didn't read carefully enough. For Capri not beach club. Since I've already weighed in, and I'm taking up space with my words, I might as well add my two cents -- sounds like a good idea to me
Ideal location will be around Capri mail boxes but it's far from the Capri entrance/exit. Any other location in mind? Lets get an estimate and look at it.
A small rack like we have at the tennis courts is only a couple hundred dollars.
The kids usually hide their bikes behind the sign but maybe we should put the bike rack at the new playground to keep the aesthetics of the Capri entrance in line. It would only be a short walk from the park to the entrance.
You could also put it in the very first parking space in the overflow parking on Bali Isle Way. Bolt it down so it doesn't walk off.
I will support such an idea if we agree to put Bike Racks near all Bus stops. Kids in Capri Isle have to walk less than 400 yards to the Bus stop, where as most kids are walking just as far or farther. Further, walking is good exercise and should be encouraged.
if a bike rack is only couple hundred dollars it's not a big deal, however Bob brings up a good point regarding Bike Racks at other Isles. Not sure we need more stuff to worry about and maintain /eye sore etc.