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TECO lights. 
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I'm ok going without the Finials I agree less issues.

Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:03 pm
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Sorry about the delay in responding. If we wait until January we would need a new contract but with the new contract would pricing potentially change? If so, then we should move forward now. Also, if we move the trim pieces are they in good enough shape to transfer and not create more work? If the finials create more issues down the road I think we should skip them so it's less maintenance. I also agree we should negotiate a lower rate on the shields. I thought it had been mentioned at a past meeting that individual lights could be dimmed down- did I misunderstand that?

Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:17 pm
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I apologize not able to weigh in earlier.

Waiting until January is not a good option as the LED will be brighter than being installed now. So let continue with the change out now.

I know the CDD Board may still have to address the issue of LED being too bright but we can suggest the home owners to install better window treatment to reduce the light entering their bedrooms.

I would agree with Jorge and Sheila about the high price of shields @ $169.00 installed.

Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:30 pm
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Based on the information provided, I don't think we should wait until January to proceed.

Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:13 pm
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John was planning on running an update on this TECO light situation in the Islander. This will hopefully show residents that all options were considered, including purchasing our own street light fixtures.

Although, some feedback claims the new light does not cast an aesthetically beautiful image, one of the primary reasons for recommending the upgrade was to increase safety. Especially, to bring light to areas that are currently unsafe for pedestrians to walk.

Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:06 am
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Aj - I really like the idea of a write up in the Islander so the community understands all the scenarios and why we make the decisions we make.

Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:15 am
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