Cory Lakes CDD

Addition of New Feature for Editions of The Islander
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Author:  AmandaSchewe2 [ Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Addition of New Feature for Editions of The Islander


I would like to get your thoughts about introducing a new feature in The Islander entitled ‘Youth Spotlight’. This would be a way to highlight our community youth and their success and bring attention to their accomplishments that go above and beyond. It could be a school or civic related achievement or performance.

I’ve had a couple of resident requests and believe this is a great way to support our neighbors and the many, many young people we interact with on a daily basis.


Author:  Fish [ Fri Sep 01, 2017 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Addition of New Feature for Editions of The Islander

The idea is great but I wonder if it's practical. How do we pick the youth? Will we be taken to task by those not selected? Do we open the door for more specialty articles highlighting one resident over another?

Author:  AmandaSchewe2 [ Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Addition of New Feature for Editions of The Islander

The information could be a form of referral, or the parent or sibling could ask or suggest. As with all articles, they are proofed for content validity, appropriateness and relevancy. The one item I request is the article being submitted is ready for print; all grammatical and spelling errors have been corrected by the person submitting the article or news piece.

I don't believe this feature will be something that would be every month, only when I receive a request or could advertise for an upcoming issue. I have one article for this piece and am hoping it will inspire others to come forward!

Author:  Cyril Spiro [ Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Addition of New Feature for Editions of The Islander

As a resident, I think this is a wonderful idea.

Author:  Sudhirkshah [ Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Addition of New Feature for Editions of The Islander

It would be our joy and pride to recognize one of our own CLI youths for their achievements or accomplishments such as Eagle scout, veledictorian, olympian, bravery and more with a picture of the youth.

Above all,its not costing us anything.

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