Cory Lakes CDD

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Author:  AmandaSchewe2 [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:42 pm ]

This topic is open for suggested new Topic subjects by non-Supervisors. Only supervisors can create/start a new topic. This topic is designed so residents can post a question (or comment) to the CDD Board members. A NEW topic will be created if it's determined the question should be separate from the Miscellaneous topic.

In order to get started, press POST REPLY (on the bottom left corner) to this Topic and type either the question or comment to the CDD Board.

Please call the Beach Club (813) 986-1031 for any questions or assistance.

Author:  RockStarJSB [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:27 am ]

Would it be possible to request the school bus to pull off Cory Lakes Blvd. (the main drag), or at least not block the entire intersection when picking up and dropping off students at Capri Isle? Every weekday morning at 5:45 am, the bus blocks the entrance/exit for at least 5 minutes to load one individual, then again at 2:30 for 10 minutes to unload a group of children. I understand the safety concerns, but it also doesn't make sense to keep blocking the entire entrance/exit for that length of time each day. They could easily load-unload students next to the playground without inconveniencing residents.

Author:  Carlos Guzman [ Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Cory Lake Dr - pavers dyed

I've noticed part of Cory Lake Dr (near the Cross Creek entrance) has recently had it's pavers dyed. What is the planned project related to this work?

Author:  LeventKara [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Property between Canary and Capri

Is the CDD moving forward with selling of the property between Canary and Capri only with the input from a general budget survey?

I already contacted my attorney to find answers as to the legality of this if it is the case, and would like your attention on this matter. I really do not want to see a condominium or another set of subpar houses on CLI. The gain from the selling will be a one-time $1000 – 1500 per residence, but the loss to all community as to property values might be much higher if they really build something there.

Can the CDD explain their plan and poll on this properly? Nobody wants their home values go down within a community getting congested with subpar development.

Author:  Carlos Guzman [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:57 pm ]

I have to agree with Levent Kara. Cory Lake Isles as a whole should only consider allowing the building of equal or higher quality homes in order to maintain or increase the value of existing homes.

The more uniform quality of homes is one of the reasons I chose our community over Grand Hamptons 4 years prior.

Author:  LeventKara [ Sun Nov 12, 2017 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  The CDD Board and selling proprty.

This is for the records so it is not ignored.

The CDD Board can sell the property without a consent from residents as far as I understand. I know many of you think that the land belongs to us so we have a say. No, the CDD does it for you, as you elected the CDD. They do whatever they want, on your behalf.
So my argument for the relevance of the budget survey is void. They never needed to ask.
But the very election of the CDD Board should now be our utmost concern as to who cares about community and who does not.
My worry is that piece of land is so small to build anything on it in our favor. Anything built on it will devalue our own homes, and no one speaks to that. We get a new gym. I wish somebody did some math to judge this, a gym versus a subpar development increasing congestion in a neighborhood that is already congested.
I say Capri was an according mistake, risking judgment from Capri residents. I try to establish the fine line between its residents and how it came about. The subpar residential settings are not the result of their owners, but the developers who are enabled by CDD Boards. Capri is one of ours now, we respect the residents. But this should not mean we can accommodate more of it. I believe they cannot either. They shouldn't.
"If that property became a personal interest to someone, I do not think anyone will be able to stop the selling" says a close friend here, and this creeps me out. We elect CDD, and the CDD does whatever they want regardless of community interest. Next time we should be more careful as to whom we elect. I do not think anyone of you wanted a CDD Board this distant, deaf... They won't even reply to concerns on this matter, all they say is 'come to the meetings' which is kind of stupid in these days of communication. It is heard, it is just they will not acknowledge it because of some idiotic bureaucracy behind which they hide.

Lastly, I also see how divided this neighborhood is just by following a post here. We should at least be able meet at some minimum common to make things run as they should. We are all part of it, there is no individual loss or gain here.

Author:  LeventKara [ Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The CDD Board and selling proprty.

Here you can also find some community response. Thanks.

They are selling the property between Canary and Capri.

Out of blue, they asked, "hey, we will give you a new gym, no money required, we will just sell some property that has nothing to do with you", "you will have a new gym". And guess what, people said, 'sure, why not!'. The survey results reads, 'Stage 1 completed, build a new gym but only if the land is sold', which I think means they think they have a green light to sell the property. CDD is not doing its job. They cannot say they polled on it, because they did not. The survey was not an informed poll about the selling of a piece of land which explained its upsides and downsides. They did not poll.

Pankaj Jha, Cory Lake Isles•3d ago
Agree, I have not voted for selling the pieces of land in Cory Lake. This matter will land in court if they proceed

Ginger Barnes, Cory Lake Isles•2d ago
Are we talking about the property we bought for peanuts when the builder was putting up condos and the real estate bust hit and we never knew condos were allowed inside CLI? The property across from the clubhouse? I never saw anything on the survey about a sale.

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•2d ago
This land is between Canary and Capri, next to the conservation area, right by the gate. They are planning, I heard, to build a retirement condo.

Erin Uhler, Cory Lake Isles•2d ago
I voted NO on the sale of land each time I was surveyed but unfortunately I don't think most of CLI residents even pay attention to the emails, signs, or surveys that come out.

Cyndi Manning, Cory Lake Isles•2d ago
I don't understand why there is such a push to pave over every spot of green that we have in Cory Lake Isles. The beautiful, open spaces and beach that were once the showcase of our community are quickly becoming crowded with additional homes and amenities. I agree...all of a sudden the survey questions were based on the sale of the property, - not whether to even sell the property! Did I miss that vote? And still, even with more and more residents in the community to share expenses, fees keep going up. Many of us moved here long ago to enjoy the beauty of nature that we had - and sadly, the green spaces and wildlife are quickly disappearing. The best thing the board ever did was to halt the building of condos across from the clubhouse, but since then, recent CDD boards seem to be in a rush to build everywhere else that there is a patch of grass. Sadly, once a field or wooded area is sold, or has a building standing on it, game over.

Daniel Santana, Cory Lake Isles•2d ago
No vote has taken place only the poll was taken. Discussions continue online as well as at our In person meetings. Visit the clubhouse for details. Cheers!

Adam Khan, Cory Lake Isles•1d ago
Agree with everyone here, think the survey was very misleading and if judgement is made based on those results, there will surely be heated debates on the horizon. Think we need to minimize the destruction of the green areas..esp to retirement condos..who in their right minds wants that in this community! More workers, headaches and distractions from the beautiful greenery we have around. If we were to do a real deal poll, think most residents will pass on this...but to guise it as a way to pay for a new gym is down right wrong

David Burman, Cory Lake Isles•1d ago
The Board rejected the idea of working with the people who wanted to build retirement condos next to CLI. Please make sure you have your facts before you post

Sudhir (Sid) Shah, Cory Lake Isles•1d ago
Levant, The entire CDD Board is there for the residents. You have the most down to earth supervisors serving the community. Let me assure you that no decision has been made nor will be made without due inputs from residents. Please call me anytime I will sit down with you or group of CLI residents to discuss. I would love to. Sudhir (Sid) Shah. Please remember due to Sunshine Laws any two or more CDD supervisors cannot meet you in the same meeting to discuss CLI matters.

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•18h ago
Thank you Mr. Shah. Looking forward to talking with you.

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•17h ago
From CDD meeting [Oct 19] notes: 312 Mr. xyz, a resident, inquired about the results of the surveys in relation to the 313 new gym. Mr. Shah stated that the survey results would be presented at the next meeting. Mr. 314 Castillo stated that the initial responses were in favor of building a new gym; therefore, the 315 Board must consider the funding source. He listed a few options, including liquidation of the 316 Capri Isle property

Author:  LeventKara [ Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The CDD Board and selling proprty.


David Burman, Cory Lake Isles•16h ago
I wonder are you and your group against a new gym or against selling unused property? Or is your answer both! DB

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•14h ago
I do not have a group. I am fighting single here. I am against selling that property. Calling it 'unused' sounds like it is sitting there as a site for some great development. Yes it is not used but it is also very small to do anything meaningful on. If we put it to use and sell, some developer will have to get creative with it and we will end up with more congestion. I do not find this as a responsible action as an architect and community designer who lives in this lovely neighborhood.. I do not have a problem with a new gym.

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•Edited 14h ago
The best use for that site will be a park or something communal if you want to put it to use. And I can design something like this for you pro bono.

David Burman, Cory Lake Isles•14h ago
Well the community response was they want a new gym and they want the CDD to pay for it by raising the money from an outside source. To sell the land is the easiest way to get outside money. The community was very strong that they want upgrades in the community without taking any more money out of the homeowners pockets. So how do you propose we build without asking the resident to put up more money. New volleyball courts, better lighting for our nighttime sporting venues these all cost money. You can't ask for these things and not expect not to pay it sell something. Let's face the facts of life. How about coming to a board meeting and listen to the dialog. DB

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•14h ago
What you call community response is this: 227 out of 1000 residents responded to the survey. 76 out of this 227 said NO to the new gym, only 41 said YES, 68 said YES if the land is sold. The math is not matching up with a great community push.

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•Edited 10h ago
If you trust community view, let's do a poll identifying the conditions of selling the property for a new gym. You should tell the community what is going to be sold first [many do not even know what property is under discussion here], what is going to be built there, how it is decided, who is going to build it, and what its effects on the community will be.

David Burman, Cory Lake Isles•14h ago
Well isn't it up to the Board to discuss the results and based on the discussion make a decision. You have to let the process work before you condem the results. There has been NO decision as of the last Board meeting.

Greg Nielsen, Cory Lake Isles•Edited 12h ago
I think Levent Kara has made several very good points. 41 out of almost 1000 residents is not a majority by a long shot. And he is also right in stating the residents need to know what would be built on the property before we can make an educated decision on whether we support the sale of the land or not. And if we let the process work through we may find ourselves with another Capri Isle which I believe many homeowners feel was a poor decision made by the CDD.

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•Edited 12h ago
Thank you Mr. Nielsen. I also believe that the 5 members of the CDD Board of Supervisors will hurt their image and lose trust of many good people here if they move with the results of such a weak survey.

Author:  LeventKara [ Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The CDD Board and selling proprty.

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•17h ago
From CDD meeting [Oct 19] notes: 312 Mr. xyz, a resident, inquired about the results of the surveys in relation to the 313 new gym. Mr. Shah stated that the survey results would be presented at the next meeting. Mr. 314 Castillo stated that the initial responses were in favor of building a new gym; therefore, the 315 Board must consider the funding source. He listed a few options, including liquidation of the 316 Capri Isle property

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•13h ago
David Burman from CDD says: "Well the community response was they want a new gym and they want the CDD to pay for it by raising the money from an outside source. To sell the land is the easiest way to get outside money. The community was very strong that they want upgrades in the community without taking any more money out of the homeowners pockets.

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•13h ago
What he calls community response is this: 227 out of 1000 residents responded to the survey. 76 out of this 227 said NO to the new gym, only 41 said YES, 68 said YES if the land is sold. The math is not matching up with a great community push.

David Burman, Cory Lake Isles•13h ago
I also said... The CDD Board has not discussed the survey results. That No decision has been made. Please come the the next Board meeting an hear for yourself whT is discussed and what the decision will be. To guess what the 5 Supervisors will do is wrong. One has to let the process work.

Jared Pshedesky, Cory Lake Isles•10h ago
Do we have prospective buyers for the land yet? Do we know how much the land is valued and if it is more than the cost of a gym? What would any overage be used for? Are these the sort of questions that would be answered at the next meeting?

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•Edited 10h ago
It is more that the cost of the gym. They expect to get $1 - 1.5 M from land sale, the gym is $684 K. People do not want to pay $684 [per residence] for a new gym, and this is a group of 68 people out of 1000, but they do not think how their home value will be affected by the new development via the land sale. I do not think this poll has any legitimacy in this decision, CDD for some reason wants to sell that land.

David Burman, Cory Lake Isles•10h ago
Yes! As I stated earlier the Board has not discussed the issue. It should be on the agenda for this coming Thursday. Please everyone let the system work. Don't try to second guess what the CDD Supervisors will do. We are a group of 5 professional individuals in our former careers. We live in the community and do not want to do anything that will harm our neighborhood. Come to the Board meeting an DC see for yourselves. Thursday at 7:P.m. Hope to see you all then. David B

Levent Kara, Cory Lake Isles•Edited 8h ago
"Let the system work", "Let the process work through" are scary statements because they describe a system without thought. I have served on many UF and USF committees, charged by the State, bound by Sunshine laws. I, my colleagues, have never let thought disappear behind a systemic machine which is designed badly from the start. You hear us now, loud and clear. "Come to the meeting and voice your concern" or "come to the meeting and listen" is just hiding behind some obscure bureaucracy. Mr. Nielsen put it very precise: "And if we let the process work through we may find ourselves with another [bad decision]".

Author:  Cyril Spiro [ Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:45 pm ]

Hi All,

I would prefer to see that our gym is expanded instead of building a new facility. The option to expand the existing gym also received a statistically significant favorable rating by the survey respondents. So, the board could please the majority of the residents by going that route instead.

Nevertheless, just because the survey results show a favorable rating for an opinion that I don't share that doesn't mean that the survey results are wrong. It just means that the majority of residents who responded and, who are 95% likely to represent the average opinion of the community at-large, are ok with selling the land between Capri and Canary and building a new facility, given the information that they had. I realize that if the board decides to go in that direction, I won't get my way. But, I also realize that my opinion is not shared by the majority of the community so that is how the cookie crumbles.


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