Dear homeowners, the following has been obtained from the last CDD meeting in November 16, 2017 here at the Cory Lake Isles clubhouse ... agenda.pdf220 Discussion: Part 3 – Budget Survey Results
221 ***This item, previously the Sixth Order of Business, was presented out of order.***
222 Mr. Adams exhibited Dr. Spiro’s previously submitted PowerPoint presentation. Dr.
223 Spiro directed Mr. Adams to display the slides called “Outcome of the Survey” and the
224 “Summary Tab,”. He highlighted the following items and took questions:
225 The survey had a 23% response rate
226 Survey participants represented the majority of the community
227 Residents were significantly against the enhanced landscaping on Cross Creek Boulevard
228 and at the exits, coloring and cleaning the pavers, upgrading the fountain and the gates
229 Residents were in favor of building a new gym but only if the land was sold; it was
230 assumed that, if they responded yes, regardless of whether the land was sold, they did not
231 have a problem with the land being sold
232 Most of the residents that commented lived in Canary Isles and did not want more homes
233 between themselves and Capri
234 The conclusion was that a significant number of residents were in favor of the larger gym
235 if the land was sold
236 Given the current budget, there was no capital so improvements would be funded from
237 the reserves
238 Mr. Adams stated that it would take time to absorb the survey data and come to a
239 conclusion, through lengthy discussion, as to how to proceed based on the findings. Mr. Burman
240 noted that the majority of residents were in favor of adding amenities, as long as they would not
241 be charged for them. Dr. Spiro clarified that residents felt that there was more value in extending
242 the gym than in installing a gate at the Cross Creek entrance. Discussion ensued regarding the
243 survey results from last year versus the current survey, expanding the gym, gym usage among
244 residents and selling the land or green space. Mr. Shah felt that the Board should decide on the
245 gym expansion today and not belabor the topic further; in order to attract young, educated and
246 successful individuals, the community must have a modern gym. Further discussion ensued.
247 Mr. Woodards and Ms. Haque called for a new survey to reassess the issue. Mr. Burman
248 suggested asking Ms. Elizabeth Ross to assist Dr. Spiro in rephrasing the survey questions. Dr.
249 Spiro would be happy to work with Ms. Ross to prepare a more detailed and specific gym
250 survey. Mr. Shah volunteered to act as liaison between Dr. Spiro and Ms. Ross. A resident
251 stated that the gym was a great idea and that it was the most used facility in many communities.
252 Since there were issues with speeding and traffic congestion, having a local gym would greatly
253 benefit residents.
(continued in next post)