Cory Lakes CDD |
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Author: | AmandaSchewe2 [ Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:07 am ] |
This topic is open for suggested new Topic subjects by non-Supervisors. Only supervisors can create/start a new topic. This topic is designed so residents can post a question (or comment) to the CDD Board members. A NEW topic will be created if it's determined the question should be separate from the Miscellaneous topic. In order to get started, press QUOTE (rIght corner from the Author) to the Topic and type either the question or comment to the CDD Board. Please call the Beach Club (813) 986-1031 for any questions or assistance. |
Author: | lisalingfowler [ Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:06 pm ] |
Post subject: | Surveying regarding land sale & new gym |
I feel that the building of a new gym and the sale of this land should be examined as two completely separate issues. Surveying them together simply confuses the question. Regarding the land, residents should be asked if they would like it to A) remain as green space, B) be developed into a park, or C) be sold to a developer. Personally, I would be happy with choice A or B, and I believe most of my neighbors agree. Regarding the gym, residents should be asked if they want to A) leave it as is, B) renovate, C) renovate and expand, or D) build new. If the consensus is to build new, then funding should be explored. However, using the sale of the land to a developer as the funding source should only be considered if the answer to that independently surveyed land question was C (sell). Otherwise, we'll have to look at using reserves or additional assessments. Personally, I would vote for renovating and expanding the gym. I'm not fundamentally opposed to building a new gym; but for me to use it as a replacement for my current membership at Hunter's Green Country Club, it would have to have a robust group fitness schedule, spin bikes, and child care, etc. (which I doubt we can take on). Thanks for listening! |
Author: | LeventKara [ Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Surveying regarding land sale & new gym |
There has been a great confusion about this survey issue. First the CDD said there is a public demand for a new gym, this is registered in CLI CDD meeting minutes, and Nextdoor comments by CDD members, and then the CDD cannot even show us where the new gym question was in the second survey. Or, where it was demanded in the first survey raw results. It has never been generated or selected. Cyril Spiro said in a meeting with David Burman that it is in the second survey, we could not find it. Greg Nielsen asked it in a letter to Chuck Adams, so far no answers. The new gym seems to be fully made up by someone in the 3rd survey. I addition: The CLI residents received a letter from CDD Board of Supervisors on Nov 22, upon which Greg Nielsen contacted Chuck Adams to forward the request that two residents wanted to be part of the survey process, to which Chuck Adams replied positively on Nov 29. As of Dec 05, we learn from Cyril Spiro that Sid Shah, as the liaison between a survey committee [Cyril Spiro and Elizabeth Ross] appointed by the board at their last meeting and the CDD, has a new version of the survey given to him by Cyril Spiro, and nothing further has been done. I contacted Elizabeth Ross about her involvement in the new survey, on Dec 03. According to the audio records of the last CDD meeting, and also confirmed by Sid Shah and David Burman in person, she was appointed to the survey committee at the last CDD meeting on Nov 16th. She had no knowledge of any of this, after more than 2 weeks from the meeting. I find all of this confusion utterly disappointing as a resident. |
Author: | LeventKara [ Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Surveying regarding land sale & new gym |
I also find Lisa's view the only logical way to do this survey. When we mix land sale and another topic, here is what happens. The faults of the last survey keep coming: Land sale was asked in 2 questions: New Gym and Paver Sealing > if you add NO to those two: 76+98=174 people are against land sale. If you count the numbers for yes and yes if for the two same questions: 41+68+62= 171. Majority says NO to land sale! |
Author: | RockStarJSB [ Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Surveying regarding land sale & new gym |
I've been following this thread, and agree with Lisa's observation. Combining two completely separate ideas into one survey question can provide an unintended answer. It seems obvious that selling the land to pay for a gym is not what people want: I certainly do not want the land sold, nor was I ever asked clearly. Based on this idea, and the terrible new lighting that is being installed by our houses: The CDD needs to put out a more clear definition what we are responding to in the surveys, no more "behind the scenes" side effects that responders aren't made aware of. I'm not saying it was done on purpose, just that survey responders aren't given all the facts before they "vote". Please don't sell the land, that property was, and is being paid for by the community. If there isn't funding to pay for a new gym, then the survey question should've been along the lines of "Should the CDD fund the building of a new gym, by raising the CDD fees". I have a strong feeling the answer would be a resounding "NO". Yes, the gym is used by many people, but not the majority of residents. I for one don't use it, and would buy a real membership to a larger gym rather than paying to build a huge one at Cory Lakes. Besides, most health insurances pay for gym memberships anyway, so it's basically free. A park, or similar area would be a much cheaper and better investment for Cory Lakes as a whole, and wouldn't have a detrimental effect on property values, like selling to an outside developer most definitely will. My two cents.. |
Author: | Hramphal [ Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:42 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS |
The survey is misleading. The wording puts the respondents in a catchy situation. The CDD needs to come straight. Ask questions like ‘do you want a new gym’. Not these mombo jumbo nonsense. We also need an independent firm to conduct these surveys. No residents, please. We need total independence. This would alleviate the conflict of interest. There are a lot of holes in that survey. All those surveys are misleading and full of bullshit. Why did the CDD send out that letter? Who authorized it? Why is that letter such a departure from the last CDD meeting? Why is this CDD trying to limit speech? Why did the CDD appoint a resident to the survey committee, a resident who is not aware that she has been appointed? What the hell is going on here? Who is in charge? Don’t sell that land, it is not yours to piss away. You pissed away Capri whilst residents were left with paying that freaking bonds or face foreclosure on their homes. 66 residents and 480k. None of you were around to guide the affected residents. But yet you claim fame for pissing away Capri. CLI property is does not belong to the board members. CLI funds are no one’s piggy bank. So don’t mess with our property, on some screwed up survey you concocted. I was for selling the land and the gym, but after we looked into everything I figured someone is not forthcoming. What I would like to hear at the next CDD meeting is that the whole deal is off the table. Period! Screw the gym, fix the friggin roads. The manholes are protruding as the road around it sinks. Now that is something you people should Send a survey on. And if you want to play with our assets, I advise you to resign. Resign and go along on your merry way. CLI is not your sandbox, you do not disrespect the residents. You do not disrespect our community. You do not make fun of residents who object to your unethical actions. We got the recordings on this one. Everyone on this board needs to resign except Sheila. As a matter of fact she should be the chairwoman since no one is in charge. |
Author: | LeventKara [ Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:18 am ] |
Post subject: | survey, gym, land sale |
I would kindly ask the CDD, to transcribe word to word the second audio file from the last CDD meeting "CLCDD AUDIO 11.16.17 part 2.mp3" its first 30 minutes, and the last 15 minutes. |
Author: | Carlos Guzman [ Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS |
Lisa Ling made a brilliant observation that building a new gym and land sale should be examined as two separate issues. In fact they must. The past survey had 90+ for expansion of the current gym, 40+ for a new gym, 68 for a new gym if paid for by sale of the land. (And actually 67 because I retracted my vote at a private meeting a week ago). With these results, the case for a new gym should be over. The board wants you to believe that you can add the 67 to the 40+ and make it over 110 that want the new gym if paid for by the sale of the land. The 67, with an extremely high probability, already includes the 40+ that want a new gym. Of course, the 40+ residents that want a new gym want it if it is free as well. So you cannot add one with the other. Statistically (and logically) this is the case. Let's not forget that we all have to pay the future maintenance of this building, cleaning, repairs, new equipment repair and replacement, heating/air repair, electricity bills, etc. So at the end, building a new gym, with or without land sale, is not the majority of vote. The majority is clearly expansion of the current gym. Anyway you look at it the majority has voted "No" so there's no need for the board to continue the push for the sale of the land. That is, the board minus Sid as the result of his publicly announced conflict of interest. Sid (Sudhir) Shah (1 of 5 current CDD board members) should not and cannot be allowed on the survey committee. He has a conflict of interest. Sid has publicly expressed that he wants a new gym because his son wanted new gym when considering moving to Cory Lake Isle. He will say that it's for progress, we know different from his own words. Yet he is formulating the actual survey questions. In other words, he helps create a survey in a manner that could sway or confuse Cory Lake Isle residents into voting in his favor and later on he is going to vote (1 of 5 votes) as a board member on the final decision. NO board member can EVER be allowed to also participate in a survey committee when the results of survey is something that this board member will ultimately vote on. As a result, he also cannot have a final board vote on any of these issues from this point forward. He has a final vote, 1 of 5 votes. Votes that are supposed to be unbiased and solely for what the "community as a whole desires". This, by definition, is a conflict of interest. This has legal consequence. Sid must plan to formally recuse himself from this process during the next CDD meeting scheduled on December 14, 2017, 6:00 pm. He must remove himself from participation to avoid a conflict of interest. |
Author: | LeventKara [ Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS |
Written minutes are posted. Written so single sided. When a resident says new gym is good, it is in the written minutes. When a resident says it is not and then yelled at by a member: "why are you against a new gym!", it is not. There is no single resident in the written minutes against a new gym. Nicely done CDD. And then expect people to respect you as elected people that represent resident interests. You are being played by the manager, it is very clear. "The land is sitting there doing nothing" is manager talking to you, and I am assuming you are all nodding. For example this makes the written minutes, different from the audio records, enhanced by your manager: "Mr. Rene Fontcha, a resident, stated that the current gym was outdated, too small and poorly reflected Cory Lakes and lesser communities in the area had superior gym facilities. He felt that some residents were overly concerned about the land sale and the Board should ignore the noise and focus on the many reasons why having a better gym was in the best interest of the community." Who is this Rene Fonctha, coming every meeting and asking for his new gym? He is in minutes all the meetings. A paid marksman? |
Author: | Carlos Guzman [ Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS |
Dear homeowners, the following has been obtained from the last CDD meeting in November 16, 2017 here at the Cory Lake Isles clubhouse ... agenda.pdf 220 Discussion: Part 3 – Budget Survey Results 221 ***This item, previously the Sixth Order of Business, was presented out of order.*** 222 Mr. Adams exhibited Dr. Spiro’s previously submitted PowerPoint presentation. Dr. 223 Spiro directed Mr. Adams to display the slides called “Outcome of the Survey” and the 224 “Summary Tab,”. He highlighted the following items and took questions: 225 The survey had a 23% response rate 226 Survey participants represented the majority of the community 227 Residents were significantly against the enhanced landscaping on Cross Creek Boulevard 228 and at the exits, coloring and cleaning the pavers, upgrading the fountain and the gates 229 Residents were in favor of building a new gym but only if the land was sold; it was 230 assumed that, if they responded yes, regardless of whether the land was sold, they did not 231 have a problem with the land being sold 232 Most of the residents that commented lived in Canary Isles and did not want more homes 233 between themselves and Capri 234 The conclusion was that a significant number of residents were in favor of the larger gym 235 if the land was sold 236 Given the current budget, there was no capital so improvements would be funded from 237 the reserves 238 Mr. Adams stated that it would take time to absorb the survey data and come to a 239 conclusion, through lengthy discussion, as to how to proceed based on the findings. Mr. Burman 240 noted that the majority of residents were in favor of adding amenities, as long as they would not 241 be charged for them. Dr. Spiro clarified that residents felt that there was more value in extending 242 the gym than in installing a gate at the Cross Creek entrance. Discussion ensued regarding the 243 survey results from last year versus the current survey, expanding the gym, gym usage among 244 residents and selling the land or green space. Mr. Shah felt that the Board should decide on the 245 gym expansion today and not belabor the topic further; in order to attract young, educated and 246 successful individuals, the community must have a modern gym. Further discussion ensued. 247 Mr. Woodards and Ms. Haque called for a new survey to reassess the issue. Mr. Burman 248 suggested asking Ms. Elizabeth Ross to assist Dr. Spiro in rephrasing the survey questions. Dr. 249 Spiro would be happy to work with Ms. Ross to prepare a more detailed and specific gym 250 survey. Mr. Shah volunteered to act as liaison between Dr. Spiro and Ms. Ross. A resident 251 stated that the gym was a great idea and that it was the most used facility in many communities. 252 Since there were issues with speeding and traffic congestion, having a local gym would greatly 253 benefit residents. 254 (continued in next post) |
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