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Capri Isle Mailboxes 
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This topic is for posting the response from the District Growth Management Coordinator for the United States Postal Service Suncoast District.

As I have previously stated, the USPS has made centralized mail delivery the standard for all new communities and for all new phases of an existing community.
The only way a new phase would continue with curbside service is if the new construction continues less than a block from the existing construction.

Unfortunately Capri Isles is more than a block from any existing properties and so it falls under the centralized mail category.

Email from USPS regarding Capri mail delivery..pdf [391.56 KiB]
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Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:11 am
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Thank you!

This information will put to rest requests the Board receives from time to time from Capri neighbors wanting mailboxes in front of their homes.

Tue Mar 13, 2018 6:29 pm
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