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Pool Landscape & Mulch 
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This past weekend I was at the Pool and noticed a couple things I'd like John & staff to address, If I recall discussion from last meeting issue #1 is in the works, please confirm;

Issue #1 - Dead palm trees need to be removed and replaced with new if within budget.
Issue #2 - We should look into replacing mulch with nice decorative rocks, especially in the palm trees near edge of the pool which naturally makes the mulch run into the pool when it rains and making a huge mess inside pool.

I experienced issue #2 first hand this weekend, following a big thunderstorm there was a ton of mulch inside the pool as a result of the run-off water.

Thank you John and Staff.

Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:13 pm

DTE already has an approved proposal to replace the palms at the pool. Just waiting on them .........

You don't want rocks either as kids will throw them in the pool. I'll get with Playworld and see how much it would be to install the turf rings in those areas. They allow water to penetrate but do not blow out like the mulch does. We can get them in brown sop the aesthetics remain the same.

Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:24 pm

Palms at the pool will be installed next Thursday weather permitting.


Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:09 am
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John - thanks for the update on the palm trees replacement.

I like the idea of the Turf rings.

Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:21 pm
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