Cory Lakes CDD

Beach Club Usage Request
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Author:  AmandaSchewe2 [ Thu Jan 23, 2020 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Beach Club Usage Request

Hello everyone. Please see the email request our office received below.

Greeting from Sakthiyoga!

As discussed over the phone, we would like to take FREE yoga classes for adults and kids at Cory lakes clubhouse.
We prefer the following dates and times. Please confirm the clubhouse availability and CDD approval.
Adult’s Yoga: Jan 31st Sunday time: 7pm to 8pm
Kids Yoga: Feb 01st, Saturday 6pm to 7pm
Adult’s yoga: Feb 01st, Saturday 7pm to 8pm
Please find attached document about our course details:
I would like to meet you in person on tomorrow at 9am.

Ilayaraja and Kavitha

*** In addition to this request, they are asking if we can also include their flyer in the next community email blast advertising for the event**

Yoga_Class.docx [19.42 KiB]
Downloaded 986 times

Author:  Gcas0499 [ Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beach Club Usage Request

i have responded to Amanda on this topic via email, and I don't have an issue with approving this as long as at least 3 board members agree and there's no commitment and rental in place.

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