Cory Lakes CDD

Morris Bridge Turn Lane
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Author:  Sudhirkshah [ Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Morris Bridge Turn Lane

Hello CDD Supervisors and John,

Recent Morris Bridge Road turn lane extension (Northbound) into CLI appeared to be an incomplete job because it lacked additional left turn arrow(s) for the extension. On following up the matter I was able to have the traffic division agree to come out repaint it. However the original thermoplastic markings will still be visible. Attached is the new drawing and a note from the traffic Engineer. Please review it and post it on this platform so that I can request him to move it forward or hold it off.


Sudhir – here is my mark-up for the 3rd additional “left turn arrow” with 6” white line extended south. Those pavement markings grinded will not change and what you see removed will always never look new unless the pavement surface is replaced from a mill and resurface operation.

Mike Flick

Michael B. Flick, P.E.
Public Works Department/Technical Services Division
Traffic Engineering
Engineering and Operations


Have a safe weekend.

Sudhir (Sid) Shah

Morris Bridge Markup_Flick (1).pdf [1.36 MiB]
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