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Speeding Education 
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Below are the steps that have been taken to inform residents about the speeding rules, the dangers of speeding, and steps being taken to minimize speeding:

Islander - Very frequently there are articles and reminders about speeding.

LED Signs - There is always a message on the entrance signs that highlights our 25mph speed limit inside the community.

Visitor Cards - Each new guest that comes through the security gates receives a postcard size map of the community on one side, and a big '25mph throughout the entire community' on the other side.

Email Blasts - Very frequently there is a small reminder in email blasts that remind residents of the speed limit.

Florida Highway Patrol - 16 hours a month we have an officer on-site to control speeding.

Tampa Police Department - During holidays we request for an off duty police officer to be on-site to detur crime and control speeding.

Radar Signs- The speeding radar signs help give residents a visual reminder of their speed. The camera on the radar captures video/pictures of speeders going over a set limit. Once we have the information from that radar, we send a letter informing those caught speeding of our community speed limit. In the past, the CDD office would send visitors caught speeding a letter and all residents caught speeding information would be shared with the POA. However, recently the CDD office has been sending letters to ALL speeders (visitor or resident).

Hopefully, I have listed everything that has been done to help residents and guests understand that the speed limit in the community is 25mph. John, please feel free to add anything I might have missed. Thank you.

Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:07 am
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Sounds like a lot is being done. Thanks for posting the info.

Tue Feb 02, 2021 3:11 pm
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