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Community Safety 
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All these topics we have at least once discussed with the CDD but, following the pedestrian auto accident on Cozumel, they are once again front and center.

The major question is how can we as a community improve not only the Safety within our community but, to be specific, Pedestrian Safety.

a. "Speed Humps" at all straightaways.
b. Pedestrian Safety Signs alerting drivers to "Slow Down and watch out for Pedestrians" - "Slow Down for Bicycles" - Children at Play".
c. "Visible Crosswalk Markings" at the entrance of each Isle.
d. Continued "Communication" to alert Pedestrians and Drivers of the hazards of nighttime street safety.
e. "More Police/State Trooper Presence".

-This information was sent over by AJ Forbes, Chair, Security Committee.

Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:39 am
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