Please give me your feedback on the following approach to the 2018 budget survey:
We will use the same 3-part process as last year. Part 1 - Generating Ideas, Part 2 - Ranking Ideas, and Part 3 - Approving Ideas with Cost. Each part has successively less items depending on the results of the previous part.
Since we already received many ideas last year that were rejected, in Part 1 for this year, I plan on listing those ideas up front and letting the residents know that they were rejected so that if they submit the same ones again it is likely that the majority of residents will not want them again. I believe this will deter old rejected ideas and spur new ones that have more chance of being approved.
Please let me know if you are ok with this approach and I will proceed in drafting Part 1 of the survey.
June is National Safety Month. Continuing our "Speed Kills" Safety Campaign, the Security Committee would like to stage a mock wrecked vehicle on the lawn, infront of the Beach Club. The vehicle will be staged from 22-29 June
Thank you Cyril, for volunteering your time again on this very valuable surveys. The surveys help the Supervisors allocate funds where people wants.
Total there will be three surveys sent out to residents.
1st Survey will be about generating ideas followed by 2nd survey about ranking and final survey will be approving keeping cost and budget in mind.
My opinion will be for Cyril to get ready to send out first survey. We do not have much time left in between. Lets not repeat rejected items from last year.
As a Board supervisor one of my primary duty will be look after and maintaining existing infrastructure in good condition for example our roads and drainage among others which has been neglected for many years.
I would like to know what the other supervisors think!
Im of the opinion too many Surveys could be overwhelming, i like Sid's idea of generating fresh ideas forget about last years survey, 2nd ranking and 3rd and final approve.
Keeping roads and drainage is certainly important however we don't want to neglect our theme of beautification and making our community #1 in New Tampa
Cyril thanks again for your support in this venture.
Thank you for the input. I have sent a draft of the 1st part of the 2018 budget survey via email and look forward to the Chair's directive of whether to proceed.
Sorry for the delayed reply. I have had spotty access to wifi and cell signal out here. I like the idea of having fresh ideas this year. We have a lot of new folks in the community and hopefully we can get a lot more feedback this time around since more folks have taken to social media and we can encourage residents to complete the survey.
Maybe we could even hold a public q & a where residents can ask questions about the improvements that our community needs. A lot of the work that needs to be planned for is behind the scenes and folks may not know how important it is to our community.
Cyril, I would like to see the rejected ideals generated from the last survey, other than that continue with the process. Further, I believe that a budget process should include at least a three cycle that forecast capital improvements. It worked good for me as a regional Director. Hopefully we can discuss this at the next CDD meeting.