The link below will show the result from the question about Cross Creek Landscaping. A Statistical Significance analysis shows that there is a Margin of Error of +/- 6.3% so the spread between Yes and No should be at least 10% or greater to indicate that the sample size for the survey is 95% likely to represent the whole community. Therefore, the majority of respondents to this question said 'No' but the spread is not enough to know if that represents the whole community.
However, the residents did not know the cost of the project. In Part 3 of the survey, we can include this question with the cost ($150k?) and find out if the majority of residents are 'for' or 'against'. We have seen many examples in the past where the majority of residents were in favor of an item until they found out the cost.
I'm happy to answer any questions.
View Results here: ... nVwa0t4a3c