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Low voltage lighting for Entrances and Pool/Clubhouse 
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I wanted to just throw this idea out there for review and opinions.

We have looked at ways to brighten the entrances and improve the looks of them at night.

We got a proposal to install lights on the palms on Cross Creek but since we are looking at overhauling the landscape along that area I thought it would be a good idea to price out making a presentation of our improvements at night.

I had the company give me two proposals for each area where lighting is either needed or in dire need of upgrading.

One proposal is for a complete system with all wiring installed in conduit from source to light with a high quality fixture.

The second proposal was for the same high quality fixture but with the standard install. The standard install is what we currently have that allows for cut wires due to plant trimming and replacement as well animal damage.

Again this wasn't a board request but rather something that would add beauty to the community at night as well as add light to some areas that do not have it.

Low voltage lighting overhaul in conduit proposal.pdf [798.55 KiB]
Downloaded 2060 times
Low voltage buried wire install proposal.pdf [941.25 KiB]
Downloaded 2191 times
Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:34 pm
User avatar
Great Idea John, I'm for anything that's brighten up this community at night.

Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:56 pm
User avatar
thanks John I appreciate you looking into this.

Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:53 am
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