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Capri Isle pond residents - backyard lot maintenance
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"Capri isle residents on pond have very odd sizing of lot ownership in backyard and unlike to any other pond in cory they dont own that backyard portion upto pond.
Inspite of this residents are maintaing that portion but cannot do any construction.
CDD was maintaing only 5ft portion from pond and thats stopping too.
This is very illogical to not own the portion of lot but still need to maintain without any option for utilizing for backyard covered lanai.
There are 2 other ponds in Cory , one at Canary Isle and another at Bahama isle and thats not the case for them. They are able to use backyard upto the pond and CDD dont take maintenance vehicles around the lake.
I request CDD board to consider this odd scenario for Capri isle pond residents and provide some solution or start maintaing it.
Thanks Prashant"
Fri May 04, 2018 9:40 am |
Hi Prashant and Residents of Capri Isle,
I would request that you come to the next CDD meeting on May 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM, the supervisors will discuss the issue with staff members and the District Manager and come to a resolution acceptable to all.
Thank you for taking a lead.
Mon May 07, 2018 4:10 pm |
Greetings Prashant,
This is something that most homeowners in Cory Lake Isles are likely not aware of. Surprisingly no one has brought this to the attention of the board that I'm aware of. Your concern is certainly justified. I'm certain that your fellow neighbors will thank you.
Tue May 08, 2018 2:03 am |
Hello Everyone,
I request CDD board to have these topics as Agenda items on 17th May meet so residents can exprress there views better for each topic.
1 Capri Pond maintenance issue 2. Capri Mail box issue
Thanks Prashant
Tue May 15, 2018 9:51 am |
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