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Fertilizer use on private property 
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Our contracted Lake Expert and several resident lake enthusiasts have all presented to the board that a significant contribution to our Lake's surface vegetation problem is caused by fertilizer and grass clipping run off into the Lake.

Supervisor Hepscher has been communicating with the POA about policies to limit run off into the lake. She may have new information about how the CDD can best communicate to residents to avoid this problem.

In addition, what are the board member's opinions about how to communicate to residents the importance of avoiding run off?

Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:20 am
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I suggest putting electronic board at the entrance with messages
1) Limmiting fertilization usage all the resident and vendor can see.
2) warning the drivers as they enter the community regards speed limit.
3) any other events.

This is running board with flashing message.

What you all think


Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:30 am
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The POA is currently in the same discussion process regarding limitation of this issue as well. Unfortunately, the way the meetings fall this month, I won't have any further updates from them until after our next meeting. I think that this is an issue that needs to be placed with high importance during our POA/CDD workshop scheduled for Thursday, April 14th at 7pm.

Carrie was supposed to be sending out a letter to all residents in the community informing them of this problem and asking them to speak with their fertilization companies regarding the matter. I still have not received any such letter to date....

My personal opinion is to go back to use of only 3 companies and allow the CDD or POA to communicate our neighborhood needs directly instead of relying on each and every home owner to do so.

Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:48 am
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I agree with Joyce's comment about limiting the fertilizer companies. One note of caution is that we have to do a great job communicating the reason for limiting vendors is to save the lake so that residents don't get the false impression that we are totalitarian or in cahoots with the vendors.

We could draft a letter from the CDD today that is sent via email to the residents and also put it in the next islander. That draft could be reviewed at our next board meeting for approval. Any takers on being the author?

Also, do we know if the POA is currently vetting vendors?

Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:53 am
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At the last meeting Carrie had agreed to do this and was supposed to have sent the letters out already. I think we should check with her to see where she is in the process. She was supposed to have just okayed the verbiage with Cyril before mailing, so I'm assuming she hasn't done that as of yet if you are posing this to be done:)

Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:11 am
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You are correct, Joyce.

Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:44 am
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