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Unfence Areas Report 
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We are expecting to receive a security map at our next board meeting that identifies the locations of the CDD perimeter that may be considered vulnerable to unauthorized entry.

I am curious to know if the Supervisors would want to also see a list of items from past security incident reports which identify a crime or incident that took place within the CDD by an individual or group that gained entry through any of the reported perimeter vulnerabilities.

Please let me know and I could ask for this report if it appears that it would be desired.

Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:27 am
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I think that what be a great tool to be able to reference during our discussion!

Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:32 am
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> We are expecting to receive a security map at our next board meeting that
> identifies the locations of the CDD perimeter that may be considered
> vulnerable to unauthorized entry.
> I am curious to know if the Supervisors would want to also see a list of
> items from past security incident reports which identify a crime or
> incident that took place within the CDD by an individual or group that
> gained entry through any of the reported perimeter vulnerabilities.
> Please let me know and I could ask for this report if it appears that it
> would be desired.

Cyril this report will be great I'd like to see those areas identified and as a board put a plan together to take action. thanks

Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:35 am
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