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Line Items to Reduce form the 2016 Budget 
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The 2016 Budget Survey showed that the majority of respondents were not in favor of including the lifestyle coordinator and event costs in the budget. The result was statistically significant. The budget presentation is included in this post.

What to the Supervisors want to do about those two line items?

CLI 2016 Budget Survey Results.pptx [554.62 KiB]
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Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:13 am
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Those 2 lines were the only 2 lines represented in the negative and not only in the negative, but at -43.8% and -40.4%. That to me speaks volumes for what our community wants and I personally think that we should listen. I would propose to terminate our contract with Evergreen Lifestyle Management company and go ahead and provide them with their required notice asking them to finish out the already posted events.

Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:13 pm
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