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Parties at Pool 
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This is a continuation of the discussion from the November Sunshine Board. Please refer to that discussion before posting.

This is an opportunity to discuss the details of what we want to do about the pool parties.

The topic is open for discussion as a jumping off point from last months comments.

Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:48 pm
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My suggestion is still the same , I'd say we should have a max # of guests that live outside the community perhaps limit it to 30-40 guests outside community if there's a # beyond that I believe they need to take the party elsewhere.

Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:17 am
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I'm ok with Jorge's suggestion of a max of 40 guests. Do the other board members agree?

Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:18 am
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I just don't see how this rule can be enforced?

Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:50 pm
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In prior meetings you've shared that you agree that parties should be limited in size and that you aren't sure how that can be enforced. I share the same concerns which is why I suggested the language below:

"Residents are allowed to have pool parties with non-resident guests as long as they are not disruptive to others in the pool and they do not utilize a portion of the facility that is so large as to limit the capability of other pool attendees from utilizing the pool amenities. It will be at the attendants discretion to inform a resident hosting a party that they have exceeded the acceptable amount of space and that they need to limit their party."

But, both you and Jorge were concerned that the language was too vague. I can understand that concern as well.

Do you have any suggested new policy for the issue or do you think we should keep it as it is?

Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:01 pm
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I do agree that it is vague, but I like that it doesn't have an exact number attached. I also like that it gives us something to fall back upon in an instance that it is needed. I just see lots of room for argument, but also think it is situational based as well. A party on a busy weekend is much different than a party on a weekday when everyone is in school and work.

Is this something that we can post or advertise without having to get residents votes? I think that's always where our discussions have ended in the past was when we were going to need to do a formal neighborhood meeting to make the changes.

Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:08 pm
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We only need resident votes if we charge for use of the facility. So, we would not need resident votes for a non-fee policy change and we could post this new policy as soon as we would like.

Jorge, it sounds like Joyce and I would be ok with the language that I put together. Do you have some suggested language change that you would be ok with?

Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:17 pm
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Cyril I'm Ok with that language.

Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:09 pm
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