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Playground Noise Monitoring 
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Chuck sent us the proposal for professional noise monitoring for $2,700. This is in excess of the $700 approved by the board and is not a line item in the budget so it requires CDD approval.

I believe that we all have sufficient evidence to show that their is no chance that there is any legal basis to compel the CDD to lower the noise level from children playing at the playground. I firmly believe that spending $2,700 will only prove what is already known and would be a waste of money. I have no objection to the homeowners who have complained about the noise paying for the study and if it does show that the noise level is in excess of city standards than the CDD would reimburse them.

Also, the residents in question could use alternative techniques suggested to them on their private property to mask the noise of children playing in the playground.

I would not approve the $2,700 for the noise study. What do the other supervisors think?

Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:30 am
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I agree that this is an excessive cost that would benefit only 2 residences in our community. I think that we should send a detailed letter to the residents explaining the option for them to pay the cost of the assessment if they wish to. And also explain the other suggestions that were offered. Maybe they will also agree that their money would be better spent on eliminating the noise from their property. I don't agree to spending the $2700.

Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:47 pm
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I agree we should not spend that kind of money beyond the $750 we agreed on.

Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:19 am
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Ok. I will direct staff to write the letter to the residents in question.

Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:07 pm
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Our letter should state we have $750 approved in the budget towards any remediation that we find appropriate.

Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:42 pm
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I agree, we should not spend a dime, just send them a letter informing them that by law there is nothing we are required to do.

Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:02 pm
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