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Format for Islander 
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I just got the new Islander and was struck by the formatting and would like the other Supervisors opinions on direction to the publisher for future issues.

It seems to me that the first entries at the beginning of the newsletter should come from the CDD and the POA. This would include the CDD Summary of Motions and the CDD Direction to Staff. Next, in the magazine would be the Committee Minutes. Then, afterwards would come resident entries like the one submitted by me and Mylitta. Also, I think that the resident entries should be clearly demarcated as "Resident Corner" or something like that so that residents intuitively understand that the comments made by the authors are not endorsed by either the CDD or the POA.


Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:18 pm
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I haven't had time to review the Islander as of yet, but from what you've stated that makes complete sense to me.

Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:42 pm
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I agree with you Cyril I believe that’s a good idea Residents Corner, and also ensure that we clearly outline that Resident statements are not endorsed by CDD and POA

Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:21 am
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I'm not in agreement with having a residents corner in the Islander at this time. First we need to establish guidelines and rules.

Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:11 pm
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