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Glass-On proposals for pool and oil 
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This is for topic of the oil spill over by Bermuda Isle that we wanted a proposal from Glass-On to see what the cost was to cover that area and forward to Republic Services to try and get them to pay.

There is also the proposal to seal the pool area.

Regarding the pool area, I would be hesitant to put any colorant in the sealer.

Glass-On Cory Lake Pool Deck Proposal.docx [58.85 KiB]
Downloaded 1425 times
Glass-On Cory Lake Oil Cleanup Proposal.docx [61.13 KiB]
Downloaded 1444 times
Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:18 pm
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John I'm in agreement in don't believe we need color pigment in the pool area, hope that helps bring the price down as well.

Additionally the 2nd quote for $64K, does that include all the spots where there is Oil spill from Republic?


Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:52 pm
This is just for the area on the south side. I think Sid asked Glass-On about the spot by Cachet.
I told Republic that this would be an option for the previous spill as well but right now we were focusing on the most recent and most obvious.

Fri Jan 13, 2017 6:23 pm
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