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Speed humps 
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This is just for the boards reference so you can see the different speed hump materials and design.

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Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:27 am
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John Hall wrote:
> This is just for the boards reference so you can see the different speed
> hump materials and design.

Hello everyone.

I am extremely familiar with the speed tables on the USF campus. The ones shown here are effective at slowing down about half of the vehicle traveling over them. Drivers that care about safety or their vehicles will slow down but, their those others that just keep going. Their designs are the reverse to CLI - asphalt streets with pavers on top of the speed tables.

After speaking with Mr. Mark Gregory at Traffic Logic concerning the use of the Rubber Speed Table, I am hopeful we can use this device but, it may not be easy as we need to find ways to secure the mats to cement footing with the aid of either 4-7 inch bolts. A typical 6x7 sq ft area will take about 48 screws.



Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:26 pm
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I have been doing a lot of research and have found many articles that reference the effectiveness of speed tables as well as other solutions such as road narrowing, adding islands in the middle of the road, adding stop signs, as well as many other options. I also contacted the City of Tampa to see what research they have conducted on the effectiveness of speed tables vs other options-- I am still waiting for a call back.

From what I have read speed tables are not the best solution for the following reasons:

A. The tables generate a lot of noise from people slowing down before the table and then accelerating right after crossing the table so that they can make up for lost time.
B. I have read mixed information in regard to a delay for first responders.
C. Aesthetically they are not pleasing.
D. Speed humps should be spaced no more than 500 feet apart which means a great deal of speed humps would need to be installed to make the entire loop safer.

I am not sure if in the past a traffic study has been done to see what percentage of cars speed and what part of the community has the biggest problem. It would be interesting to see if speeding is less on CL Dr where islands already exist. Also, could we maybe create a committee that does additional research and hosts community traffic safety meetings? I have read that some communities do this and it has helped with speeders because they were more informed. I was just sent this statistic and I think information like this might slow some folks down: "at 20 mph the odds of a pedestrian death (if someone were to hit a person) would be 5%. However at 30 mpg, the odds jump to 45%; and at 40 mph, the odds become 85%."

At the last meeting we also discussed deactivating bar codes and canceling access to the pool- was this legally ok to do for repeat offenders?

Wed Mar 08, 2017 5:35 pm
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Thank you A J and Sheila.

I don't like speed breakers, it looks tacky and it does not suit upscale community like CLI. Also to be effective we have to install so many of them.
If we weigh in the cost, installation and continuous maintenance/replacement on those, do we really have the budget for it?

As Sheila pointed out lets find out from our attorneys if its permissible to deactivate speeders bar code? I think deactivation would be most cost effective and we would know the repeat offenders.

Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:29 pm
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